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  Career Counseling


No matter where you are in your life, chances are you’re in need of a little motivation to get to the next step—to find a job that is right for you and you’ll actually love waking up for, to ask for that promotion, to figure out what you should do with your professional life, or to just push through a rough decision regarding your career. All this and more can be achieved with the help of  Career Counsellor. Our career counsellor can help you in the following ways:

Career Counselling-Scientifically proven psychometric tests are available ranging right from 8 standard to professional levels to help you understand your interests, potential, aptitude & capacity and then pick a career line for yourselves. This helps you to grow & be in the right direction, as it is never too late to be on the right track.

Career Mentorship-Our mentorship program not only assists you in selecting the right path but it also assists in reaching there by polishing your strengths and working on your shortcomings. Also keeping the futuristic approach in mind, we do guide through change in jobs in market due to automation and digitalization. Our long-term career mentorship program is successful because of the huge data base of colleges and universities, which enables us to assess one’s probability of getting admission on the basis of the psychometric tests


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